Flurina Badel (*1983 a Lavin) es autura, artista ed intermediatura da cultura.
Davo üna prüma scolaziun da schurnalissem ed ün stüdi da communicaziun e lavur publica, ha ella lavurà tanter oter sco moderatura e cineasta. Flurina Badel ha absolt il Master of Fine Arts a l’Institut Art Gender Nature da la HGK FHNW a Basilea ed ha stübgià l’Institut per art litterara da l’Università d’art applichada a Vienna. Daspö 2014 lavura ella i’l duo Badel/Sarbach chi’d es gnü uondrà tanter oter cul Premi Manor 2019.
Flurina Badel es la redactura respunsabla per l’emischiun «Impuls» da Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha, chüra e moderescha occurrenzas culturalas sco per exaimpel il festival biennal LitteraturA Nairs. L’on 2019 es cumparü seis prüm tom da poesia «tinnitus tropic» (editionmevinapuorger, Turich). Quel es gnü premià cul Premi Svizzer da Litteratura 2020.
Flurina Badel es statta tanter oter stipendiata da la Fondation Jan Michalski (2023), victura dal Premi Term Bel 2022 e dal premi OpenNet dals Dis da Litteratura a Soloturn 2018.
Flurina Badel (*1983) is a writer, visual artist and activist. One of the best-known contemporary Romansh writers, she initially trained as a journalist before completing her Master of Fine Arts at the Institute Art Gender Nature of the HGK FHNW in Basel, and studying at the Institute for Language Arts at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna.
Since 2014, she has worked as a visual artist in collaboration with Jérémie Sarbach. As part of the Badel/Sarbach duo, she won the Manor Art Prize in 2019. That same year, she published her first volume of poetry «tinnitus tropic» (editionmevinapuorger, Zurich), which won the Swiss Literature Prize in 2020, and has been widely translated. Her other awards include the OpenNet Prize of the Solothurn Literature Festival (2018), and the Premi Term Bel (2022). In 2023 she was awarded a literary fellowship at the Fondation Jan Michalski.
Flurina Badel often creates and performs in collaboration with both musicians and other artists as for example with Fred Frith and Heike Liss for their Opera «Truth is A Four Letter Word» (comissoned by Sons d’hiver festival, 2023 Paris).
She is committed to the promotion of (Romansh) literature beyond her own writing. Since 2016 she has directed the Romansh literature program «Impuls» at Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha. In addition, she moderates and curates events such as the biennial festival LitteraturA Nairs, and initiated the establishment of an institute for Romansh literature.
As an activist in Switzerland, she has been a strong political advocate on the local and national level for the preservation of Romansh villages, language and culture.
Bibliografia (selecziun) / Bibliography (selection):
«tinnitus tropic | tropischer tinnitus» poesia, tradüt cun Ruth Gantert, Edition Howeg, Turich, 2022
«Aruè – Poesia valladra» antologia, traducziun: Denise Mützenberg, Editions d’en bas, Lausanne, 2022
«El tiempo en que vivimos – Poesía Suiza Actual», antologia, traducziun: Jessica Zuan, Editores Naranjo, Columbia 2022
«üert fomantà», poesia, traducziuns: Denise Mützenberg, Édition Les Troglodytes, 2021
«tinnitus tropic», poesia, editionmevinapuorger, 2019
«La bocca d’luf es s-chüra», antologia, Chasa Editura Rumantscha, 2019
«Aruè – Poésie romanche», antologia, traducziun: Denise Mützenberg, Editions Samizdat, 2015
«S14 SvizzeraSchweizSuisseSvizra », prosa, Gabriele Capelli Editore, 2014
«Moderne Poesie in der Schweiz», antologia, cun autotraducziuns, Migros Kulturprozent/Limmat-Verlag, Zürich, 2013
«Neue Texte aus der Schweiz», antologia, cun autotraducziuns, 30. Solothurner Literaturtage, 2008
«Amurellas», antologia, Chasa Paterna 125, Uniun dals Grischs, 2006
Ulteriurs Texts sun cumparüts in magazins e revistas sco per exaimpel divers texts in l’annala da l’Uniun per Literatura Rumantscha «Litteratura» o texts tradüts in diversas linguas sco in l’annala «Viceversa – Wildwege» (2022), illa revista d’art plurilingua «Ouroboros» (Nr.5, Lyon, 2022), aint illa revista per litteratura ed art «Ostragehege» (Nr 97, Germania, 2021) o pel proget «10000 words» (Diaphanes, Berlina, 2019) e daspö 2006 as poja udir prosa cuorta da Flurina Badel in l’emischun «Impuls» da RTR.
Further texts have been published in magazines and anthologies such as the yearbooks «Litteratura» of the Uniun per Literatura Rumantscha or tin the yearbook «Viceversa – Wildwege» (2022), in the multilingual art magazine «Ouroboros» (No. 5, Lyon, 2022), in the journal for literature «Ostragehege» (No. 97, Germany, 2021) or for the project «10000 words» (Diaphanes, Berlin, 2019) and since 2006 short prose by Flurina Badel can be heard in the RTR programme «Impuls».
©Juliette Chrétien