November 8th – December 8th 2024 at Besiendershuis, Nijmegen, NL
Within the ‹Wintertuin international writing programme› authors, translators and literary professionals work together, crossing the borders between countries and languages.
During her residency at Wintertuin-Besiendershuis, Flurina Badel will give a master class to ArtEZ Creative Writing students on the linguistic importance of writing from a small language and the power of multilingual thinking. She will give a workshop and engage in conversation with the writers from Wintertuin talent development program, participate in the panel discussion ‹On Writing as Activism› with Clarisse Gargard and Lisa Weeda at Conversations during Industry Day New Types, and collaborate with rapper Alexander Moto on a performance that will be performed on November 24 at Explore the North in Leeuwarden.
Flurina’s residency will conclude with a text-in-sentence publication translated into Dutch by literary translator Marthe Elzinga.
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